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Best meeting room displays for effective meetings and collaborations.

Meeting rooms are an important part of today's work environment, and the technology used in these rooms plays a crucial role in productivity and efficiency. One of the most central components of a modern meeting room is the display, which is used to display presentations, share documents, and collaborate with colleagues and clients. We will now present some of the benefits of choosing the right display for your meeting room and introduce some of the best options available on the market today.

Why are meeting room displays so important?

Meeting room displays are a fundamental part of the workplace's technical infrastructure. They serve as a visual tool that facilitates communication, collaboration, and decision-making. A good meeting room display should be easy to use, offer high image quality, and be customizable to fit different needs and usage scenarios.

Criteria for choosing the right display for your meeting room.

  1. Size and resolution: The size and resolution of the display are crucial to ensure that all participants can clearly see the information. A larger display is of course more suitable for larger rooms and a smaller one for smaller rooms where people sit closer to the display. If you choose a large display, it's important to make sure that it can be mounted high enough for everyone to see the entire picture. A larger display also means it will be taller.
  2. Connectivity options: A good display should have multiple connectivity options, such as HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB, to facilitate the connection of different devices.
  3. Interaktivity: Interactive displays can help increase engagement and collaboration in the meeting room, as they allow participants to write, draw, and take notes directly on the display
  4. Integration with conference systems: Displays that are compatible with popular conference systems, such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom, make it easier to organize and participate in virtual meetings.

What brand or model should I choose?

Brand and model actually matter a little less than one might think. The fierce competition has made it almost impossible to find a professional display that is not good. Instead, as a customer, you can focus on other things that you find valuable, such as sustainability, appearance, features, or the quality of service. For us, it doesn't matter as we can provide all the displays available in the Swedish market and even more. The reason for this is that our product specialists have long and good relationships with manufacturers and distributors. Since we have great knowledge of the market, we are happy to help you find products that meet your requirements and are currently available for purchase at a good price.

How to optimize your meeting room with the right display

Choosing the right display for your meeting room is just the beginning. To get the most out of your investment and maximize efficiency in your meeting room, there are a few additional factors to consider:

Customize the room's layout for the best possible viewing experience.

Ensure that the display is positioned at an appropriate height and angle so that all participants can clearly see it. If possible, place the display on an adjustable wall mount or mobile stand to easily adapt it to different situations. Modern and practical installation-free meeting room solutions (see under the Hybrid Devices menu above) are available for both wall mounting and as carts for placement on the floor.

Ensure that the audio quality is of high caliber

A good sound system is just as important as a good display for a successful meeting. Invest in high-quality speakers that provide clear and crisp sound reproduction. This can be achieved through soundbars, which are often mounted underneath the display, or through video bars, designed specifically for video meetings, which also include a microphone and camera.

Create an efficient workspace.

A well-organized workspace is crucial to increase productivity in the meeting room. Ensure that all necessary tools and connections are easily accessible, and that the room is clean and well-lit.


Investing in a high-quality display for your meeting room can improve communication and collaboration in the workplace. By choosing the right display based on your specific needs and following the recommendations listed above, you can create a productive and engaging meeting environment that promotes efficiency and success for your business. Remember to consider factors such as display size, resolution, connectivity options, interactivity, and integration with conference systems when selecting the perfect display for your meeting room.

Integrate wireless sharing systems.

To make it easier for participants to share information and collaborate during meetings, you may want to consider investing in a wireless sharing system, such as Barco ClickShare or BenQ Instashow. These systems allow users to easily and quickly connect their devices to the display, without the need for cables or special software. By offering a seamless and wireless connection solution, you can increase participants' engagement and facilitate collaboration during the meeting.

Train your employees to use the technology effectively.

To ensure that your employees can use the new display and other technology effectively, it is important to offer training and support. By demonstrating how to connect their devices, share content, and use interactive features, you can help your employees feel comfortable with the technology and improve productivity in the meeting room. If you use us as a system integrator or purchase any of our installation-free Hybrid Devices, we are happy to ensure that you get the "plug and play" feature, which means that the equipment starts automatically when the user plugs in the cable. This is a feature that requires very little training and very little support.

Plan for future needs.

When investing in a display for your meeting room, it is also important to consider future needs and trends in technology and workspace. Ensure that the display you choose is adaptable and has the potential to be upgraded, so that it can meet your organization's needs in the future.

A high-quality meeting room display is a key component in creating an effective and engaging work environment. By carefully considering your needs and selecting a display that offers the right combination of features and performance, you can maximize productivity and success for your organization. Also, consider creating a well-planned workspace, offering training and support, and planning for future needs to get the most out of your investment. With the right display and a thoughtful strategy, your meeting rooms will become a place for creativity, collaboration, and success.