The Point of Circular Economy and Sustainability
For us, sustainability is not just about saying the right things—it’s about measuring and showcasing what we do. That’s why we’ve developed our own scoring system to evaluate each product based on four important aspects: Eco-Design, Material Choices, Climate Smartness, and Social Responsibility.
Material Choices
Climate Smartness
Social Responsibility
Keep an eye out for our sustainability label!
We evaluate how well each product meets these four criteria. The results are presented in our Sustainability Diagram, which is displayed on our products. We are gradually rolling out this system across our entire range of in-house manufactured products.
Feel free to call us if you want to learn more!
Projektera hållbart med gröna mötesrum
Vi har sedan länge haft hårda och bra krav på oss själva när det gäller miljövänliga material och ytbehandlingar och när vi för några år sedan fick upp ögonen för cirkulär ekonomi så såg vi vår möjlighet att lägga oss, och våra produkter, i framkanten.
Service, support, uppgraderingar och flexibla sätt att hyra eller äga produkterna är bara de innersta lagren i detta unikt hållbara koncept. I den absoluta kärnan finns den flexibilitet det innebär för användaren att kunna förvandla vilket rum som helst till ett fullfjädrat mötesrum på bara ett ögonblick.
För att en produkt skall ha så lite miljöpåverkan som möjligt krävs en modulär design så att den enkelt går att uppgradera och om så krävs återvinnas. Gröna mötesrum är baserad på vår patenterade* lösning som medger just detta.
Gröna mötesrum är ett koncept för hållbarhet som är långt mycket större än produkten och som betyder mycket för hela er fastighet och verksamhet.
Helt i linje med det gröna hyresavtalet och miljöklassificeringen på er fastighet.
* Patent EP-SE-21045799

Circular Economy and Sustainability
Circular economy is the foundation of sustainable development. By reusing resources, minimizing waste, and optimizing product life cycles, we help our customers reduce their environmental impact. Our products are sustainable, energy-efficient, and designed with a focus on circular economy principles.
Eco-Design – Smart and Sustainable Product Design
We develop products with eco-design at the core. This means that every product is modular, repairable, and easy to recycle. By using environmentally friendly materials and optimizing the design for longevity, we contribute to a more sustainable future.
Example: Our solar shading systems are designed to last for years and can be easily upgraded as needed.
Reuse and Recycling of Materials
Sustainability is not just about creating new products—it’s about making the most of the resources we already have. Our products are reusable and made from recyclable materials, contributing to a closed-loop system.
Reuse – Extending Product Life Cycles
With our focus on reuse, our customers can use the same product for many years by upgrading or adapting it to meet new needs.
Example: Our FlexPanel can easily be supplemented with new components, significantly extending its lifespan.
Recyclable Materials for Reduced Environmental Impact
We use materials like aluminum, which are easy to recycle and have a low environmental footprint.

Energy Efficiency
Energy-efficient solutions are a key part of our sustainability efforts. Our products are designed to minimize energy consumption during both manufacturing and use.
Energy-Efficient Products for the Future
By integrating smart technology into our solutions, we reduce energy consumption in buildings and meeting rooms.
Example: Our motorized solar shading systems optimize energy use by automatically adjusting to weather conditions.
Locally Produced Products with Swedish Manufacturing
Choosing locally produced products is good for both the environment and the local economy. We manufacture our products in Sweden and work with Swedish suppliers to ensure short transport distances and high quality.
Question: Do you know where the products you use today are manufactured?