Vad innebär cirkulärt och hållbart för er?
Res och kasta mindre.
För oss innebär det att produkter är närproducerade. Att de är ekodesignade, återbrukbara, återvinningsbara, energisnåla och har miljövänliga materialval.
Vi är helt unika på att ha egen tillverkning i Sverige och, så långt det är möjligt, med Svenska underleverantörer.
Känner du till ursprungsland på sakerna du köper?
Miljövänliga materialval
Är det viktigt för er med minskad energiförbrukning, tillgång till närproducerade produkter, cirkulär ekonomi och återbruk av produkter?
Lägg till text om Byggvarubedömningen
Om varornas ursprung - Närproducerat
Sustainability - Circular Economy
AudicomPendax's sustainability strategy
Produced locally
Stylish and affordable interior with built-in technology, manufactured in Sweden.
As a manufacturer, we take our part of the responsibility for the circular economy.
Meeting rooms as a service
A guarantee to comply with the circular EU directives.
Sleek and user-friendly meeting rooms for a fixed monthly cost. Your easiest way into the circular economy.
The building's climate impact can be reduced through a thoughtful design process
In a report Tove Malmqvist, researcher at KTH, states that tenant customization has an equal climate impact as operational energy consumption.
"In collaboration with Vasakronan, a detailed case study of a tenant customization project for an office has been conducted. The study reveals that the climate impact from interior refurbishment, tenant customization, and furniture replacement over the building's lifespan can be of similar magnitude as the climate impact from operational energy consumption.
The case study also revealed that the tenant customization of the building's two floors resulted in waste on the order of 70 kg per m² of renovated office space. The added materials amounted to 64 kg per m². This indicates that waste management, production, and transportation of added materials have a significant climate impact, and that interior furnishings and furniture can even have an equal climate impact as the production of new walls, floors, and ceilings.
Office spaces in attractive locations are more frequently and extensively subject to tenant customization, resulting in even higher climate impact.
The study highlights the importance of changing attitudes and fostering collaboration among architects, property owners, and tenants to increase reuse and make sustainable interior choices that align with ongoing initiatives in the EU, such as the circular economy and resource efficiency in the construction sector.
The study emphasizes that an architect can already plan a building from the beginning to reduce the building's climate impact associated with material production, whether it is integrated into the building from the start or if materials need to be replaced in later stages."
Sustainable choices with AudicomPendax
Here are some examples of how we work
We develop innovation-based solutions that promote circular product usage. This means that products retain their value and functionality over a longer period and can be used efficiently and in a circular manner.
Sunshades, blackout solutions, and projection screens
Modularly constructed products made from recyclable materials.
Indestructible glass enamel writing surface. Modular and upgradable system with recyclable and interchangeable aluminum frames.
Keep an eye out for sustainability labeling!
We assess to what extent each product fulfills four different values. These are compiled in the sustainability clock displayed on our products. We are gradually implementing this across our entire self-manufactured range. Feel free to give us a call if you want to know more!
Eco Design
0-3 points
Material selection
0-3 points
0-3 points
Corporate social responsibility
0-3 points
0-3 points